Thursday, July 24, 2014

It's the little things

I'm on vacation with my husband and our two youngest children in Myrtle Beach, SC. (Which is pretty much exactly the same as any beach town back home). I'm the non-risk taker in my family: not a fan of bungee jumping, roller coasters, pretty much anything that does not have my two pretty feet planted firmly on the ground. Oh and eating at buffets gross me out (too many people with gross eating habits ... Touching utensils that I have to touch afterwards and people just being gross and having bad manners. Pretty much taking a bite of something and putting back on the buffet ... That killed it for me). So yesterday, we stopped at a quaint local favorite restaurant called Mammy's Kitchen and I bucked up and ate the buffet ... I only looked directly at my own plate and not the people around me while piling food on my plate. I put lots of artery-clogging goodness on my plate and ... It was quite tasty. My family was shocked and I ate good food.

I'm not a fan of water parks either ... But yesterday the family wanted to go to a water park ... So off we went. I did mention that I'm not so thrilled with being high up right? Well ... When your beautiful 6 year old little girl looks at you and says, "Mommy, will you take me on THAT one?" With her big gorgeous eyes pleading at me and her father no where in sight ... I said, "Honey are you sure you want to go on THAT slide? How about the really cool lazy river ride?"
"No Mommy. I want to go on this one with YOU."
... So we got in line ... We climbed the mountainous stairs with these flimsy little blue raft-like things that we are supposed to lay on to go down this slide that may as well be like jumping off of the Empire State Building! This is it ... We are at the top and I put my daughter on the inside lane ... (so if one of us flew off it would be me) ... I laid myself down on the flimsy little blue raft-like thingy and down I went ... I couldn't see my daughter because my life was flashing before my eyes too quickly! I know I went airborne twice ... I'm sure at least one explicative came out of my mouth ... As I finally ... Came to a stop I looked up and there was my husband and son both grinning from ear to ear. My husband with pride because he knows I just conquered a fear and my son because of the sheer look of terror on my face. I look back and there is my daughter with a big smile.

I wasn't the "stick in the mud" anymore. It really is the little things that make mountains out of mole hills. My perception of uncertain death from eating from buffets and of going down the Empire State Building slide was just that ... A perception with an open mind to try it a little differently. I still will NEVER EVER bungee jump but I'm willing to think about other things I said no to before.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Myrtle Beach, SC

Monday, July 14, 2014

Welcome to My Blog

Well Hello There!  

This is my first blog and my older children are probably shocked that I am blogging .. then again my 19 year old son had to help me set it up.  To be honest I have wanted to do this for years ever since I was in Grad school.  While going to Barry University for my Master's degree when it was my turn to give a presentation I would create these cool power points that would have the clinical terminology on one slide and it would be followed by a slide titled as "Uteism" this would be the clinical jargon translated into easy to understand terminology.  My classmates loved it ... not so sure about my professors.  I often use ~Uteism on my Facebook posts and some of my old classmates tell me they love it!  

That is exactly what my blog will be ... Uteism's on life.  Sometimes it will involve funny anecdotes and  other times it will be about serious stuff that happens.  I have often said my life would make either a great novel or a never ending soap opera ... not to say it is drama filled but when you have a big family there is always something going on. 

I look forward to sharing my insights with you and I will let you know now I am passionate about the things I love and the things I believe in.  I love myself to the best of my ability ... (~Uteism translation: I am a work in progress in this area), I love my family of origin and my current family ... (~Uteism translation:  Mess with my family and IT IS ON!), I love my friends some of which are four-legged and some are two -legged ... (~Uteism translation: I am a very loyal friend and I will be there to support my friends through it all).

I believe we were all created to be an integral part of this wonderful planet Earth that we live on.  We are all linked to each other and to the planet and we need to take better care ... starting with taking better care of ourselves.  Learning to take care of ourselves mind, body and soul is how we ground ourselves into being well.  As we realize our own wellness we begin to see that we are indeed all connected. 

I look forward to sharing this journey with you.